فارسی عربي

Iran director Saman Hosseinpour presiding jury in Bulgaria

Saman Hosseinpour is the jury president at the Early Bird International Student Film Festival in Bulgaria.

Saman Hosseinpour is the jury president at the Early Bird International Student Film Festival in Bulgaria.

The young Iranian filmmaker who has so far made a number of award-winning short titles is the head of the jury panel at the 15th edition of the Bulgarian film event.

Hossinpour’s film ‘Slaughter’, which has been honored at various film events, won the Best Short film award from the previous edition of the festival.

As a writer and director, he has made several other successful films such as ‘The Last Embrace’, which has a number of festival attends and awards in its resume. The 3rd Gosh! Film Festival in France, for instance, granted its Best Screenplay award to his film.

Launched in 2005, the Early Bird International Student Film Festival is the biggest Bulgarian forum dedicated to support the creation of student short films.

The festival is fully devoted to help young filmmakers to reach their audience. 

The 15th edition of the film festival is slated for November 1-5, 2019.

